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The info submodule contains the utilities to get the world and player information for a given level.



Create a world and player based on a game level.

Unsupported Method

This function may no longer be supported in future releases of the Fira API and may cause unexpected results. It is recommended to use MinigameLevel instead of this function when possible.


  • level (int): The level number as indicated by the minigame.
  • fn_path (str): The path to where the NadiaVM file will be written to. This excludes the file name itself.
  • **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary keyword arguments.


  • config_file (str): The path to the level configuration file, excluding the file name.
  • exists (callable): The function to use, if not relying on the built-in os module to determine whether the configuration file path is loadable.
  • load (callable): The function to use, if not relying on the the built-in open function to load the file object.


  • info (tuple): A tuple containing the CSPlayer object and the CSWorld object



A class representation of a minigame level.

This class is designed to be used with the with argument as a means to directly write virtual machine code without any abstraction involved.

When used in a context with the with statement, the minigame level class may also return the configuration data for the level. This can be used to programmatically determine what needs to be written as VM code.


with MinigameLevel(1) as vm, data:
    devices = data.devices().as_list()
    vm.alloc("world_coins", len(devices))
    vm.alloc("inventory", len(devices))
    for device in devices:
        vm.push("world_coins", devices.index(device))

__init__(self, level, vm_path, provide_config=False, **kwargs)

Initialize a minigame level reader.

  • level (int): The level number to read.
  • vm_path (str): The path to the compiled NadiaVM file to write.
  • provide_config (bool): Whether to include the configuration file while accessing the
  • writer. Defaults to False.
  • **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary keyword arguments.
  • config_file (str): The path to the level configuration file, excluding the file name.
  • exists (callable): The function to use, if not relying on the built-in os module to determine whether the configuration file path is loadable.
  • load (callable): The function to use, if not relying on the the built-in open function to load the file object.


Start the writing process.

  • data (tuple): A tuple that contains the virtual machine writer (uvn_fira.api.vm.CSMinigameWriter) and the game data (CSWorldData).


Write the contents of the virtual machine code to the requested file.