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The grid submodule contains a public-facing version of the internal grid used in the Unscripted minigame core.

The world grid is a two-dimensional array (list of lists) that contain strings that determine what element is present at the specific row and column. The main class responsible for working with the grid, CSWorldGrid, is a clean and lightweight implementation of this grid with multiple utilities to manage it. The grid implementation is not dependent on the numpy library and is geared towards accessing elements and other information, rather than mathematical operations.


A class representation of a grid.

The grid is a two-dimensional array object that contains elements at given positions. This class contains methods that allow easy access to the contents of the grid without needing to access the grid directly.


  • grid (list): The two-dimensional array containing items at given positions, organized by row and column.


Construct a grid.

If a filter is supplied with the grid, the grid will filter for the items specified in the filter expression, marking those that don't match the filter as None.


  • grid (list): The two-dimensional array representing the grid.
  • grid_filter (callable): A function that determines what items in the grid to keep. Defaults to None, indicating that no filter is applied.


Get the shape of the grid.


  • shape (tuple): A tuple containing the total rows and columns of this grid.


Convert the grid to a list of coordinates containing a non-void item.

Note: If a filter was applied to the grid at construction, it will only select items that are not None.


  • coordinates (list): A list of tuples containing the coordinates to valid items in the grid.


Get the first instance of an item in the grid.


  • of (str): The item to look for the first instance of in this grid.


  • coords (tuple): A tuple containing the row and column coordinates of the first item. If the item was not found, the tuple -1, -1 is returned.


Get the last instance of an item in the grid.


  • of (str): The item to look for the last instance of in this grid.


  • coords (tuple): A tuple containing the row and column coordinates of the last item. If the item was not found, the tuple -1, -1 is returned.

element_at(row, column)

Get the element at a specified position.


  • row (int): The row that the element is located in
  • column (int): The column that the element is located in


  • element (str): The element at the specified position in the grid.